Asif and Runa's Story - Relate Mediation Case Study

They had been married 18 years and both felt the marriage had been over for a long time.
They had tried to decide how to divide their finances with the help of someone in the community but this had caused arguments and both felt this had made things worse.

They contacted Relate Mediation London North East when a friend recommended the service.

Both were apprehensive about seeking mediation and had concerns about how their beliefs would be respected.

“It’s difficult to talk to strangers. I didn’t know what mediation was; I didn’t want them telling me what I had to do with my own money”

Asif and Runa attended Mediation Information Meetings and agreed to begin Mediation.

The Mediator made sure the process worked within Asif and Runa’s boundaries whilst the agreements reached were legally accurate and gave both the best possible chance of moving on.

The Mediator listed all their assets and debts which allowed them both to see just how they stood financially. They could then look at how they could split their financial pot.
Over the course of 3 mediation session they discussed:

What they were going to do with the family home
How they would split their pensions.
How to cover debts
How to divide savings and remaining assets

“I thought I knew what I wanted but the Mediator helped us look a different ways we could divide things up – I didn’t know you could do that; this way we both felt we had a fair split”

By exploring all the options open to them they found the right solutions for them, which allowed both Asif and Runa to move forward with their lives


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